Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Biking in the Riau islands

While there Dad help export building materials to Singapore (right), are the kids in the Riau islands dreaming of electric trucks (left)?

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Semeru-Bromo expedition - 10 April 2009

Pak Tasrip is a very knowledgeable 70 year old guy who speaks english and french. He runs a friendly homestay in Ranu Pani and can organise anything from permits to porters to climb the always puffing Semeru volcano.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rinjani volcano on Lombok

At 3726m, on the island of Lombok, East of Bali, the Rinjani is a very challenging climb where 100km/h winds are common. The crater lake is a paradise for fishermen. Hot springs are famous in the region for their curative properties.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Java Volcanoes

Carte des volcans d Indonesie : le Merapi et le Semeru sont les plus actifs, entre les 2 se trouve le Lawu, plus calme, le Bromo est un des plus spectaculaire et des plus facile d acces

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Gunung GEDE in Java/Indonesia

Gunung GEDE volcano is popular with Jakarta residents, it's only one hour away from Bogor, which is 1h from Jakarta. It has all the thrill of a volcano: crater, hot springs, sulfur fumes. Plenty of accomodations are available around. Don't forget to bring a copy of your passport for the Pangrango National Park officials (mandatory). Take your wind and waterproof jacket as mount Gede, reaches a height of 2958m above sea level. Minimum 9h return. Better to sleep at the top in a tent.

Map of Gunung GEDE: access is relatively easily

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Another view of the GEDE: H2S fumes are not too toxic

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Gunung GEDE: not far from Jakarta and Bogor

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